Federation of Metal Detector & Archeological Clubs, Inc

Vermont State Regulation

Is Metal Detecting allowed:    YES, by permit only

You can view the state rules HERE

General Visitor Conduct

6. The use of metal detectors is permitted only in areas designated by the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation and when their use does not conflict with other visitors to Department lands, or disturb lawn areas, rare or fragile plant or animal habitats or archeologically sensitive areas. Users must report to authorized personnel before using a metal detector. Probing in permitted areas may be done only with a small hand tool to a maximum depth of three (3) inches. Any artifacts which may have historical or archeological significance are the property of the State of Vermont and shall be surrendered immediately to authorized personnel. All disturbed areas must be restored to their original state. Use of metal detectors is prohibited in areas of obvious historic significance, e.g., cellar holes, stonewalls, etc.

FMDAC Disclaimer:  FMDAC assumes no responsibility for any person who knowingly or accidentally violates any state park regulation. Although FMDAC will try to keep this information current we cannot anticipate how each regulation will be interpreted by a specific park department, park employee or other government employee. It is the sole responsibility of each individual to know and obey the regulations of the park or area they are visiting and or metal detecting.